GAME UPDATES The lightweight text-based MMORPG

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Recent Updates

- We have added a **Level 0 Nebula Core** that is dropped solely according to the users activity. These items will drop more often than any other cores.
- The Level 0 Nebula Core offers a small chance to obtain any pack from level 1 to the ultimate pack as well as silver and keys.

Please note that the activity tracker will only account for activity occurring after this update. As a result, there may be a delay before it recognizes your activity and issues a Level 0 core.

- Increased the chance to obtain ultimate cores by 100%.
- Increased the chance to obtain level 3 cores by 50%.
- Adjusted the rewards in the ultimate cores so that there is an equal chance (with the exception of the cards) of obtaining any of the rarer rewards such as the glitched avatars or tools. Essentially, the tools and avatars have been increased to 5% each. The card rates have been decreased to a combined chance of 20%. We deemed the previous rates to be too low given the rarity of the ultimate cards themselves.
- When opening cores, there is now a small chance to obtain the next level core. For instance, a level 1 core may drop a level 2 core.

While the rates remain unchanged since the last card event, we're aware and understand some of the frustration around how often the Nebula Cores drop.

We have made the following changes:

- Reduced the globally applied cooldown for level 1 drops from 2 minutes to 1 minute. This means at least one minute must elapse since the last drop before another user can obtain a core. The game now can now randomly drop a maximum of 1,440 **level 1** cards per day (previously 720). This cooldown only applies to level 1 and does not affect any other levels. The cooldown is there to ensure there is not a huge influx of cores over a short period of time.
- Reduced the globally applied cooldown for level 2 drops from 8 minutes to 5 minutes. The same concept above applies.

We will continue to monitor the situation over the weekend and the start of next week.

Orphanage Rework
We've revamped the orphanage system to include three tiers, each offering progressively stronger benefits:
- The orphanage page now clearly displays all tiers and their associated boosts.
- Boosts can be stacked. If the community reaches tier 3 immediately, then all of the boosts will be applied on the account in one go.
- Each tier lasts 2 hours. It’s theoretically possible to have boosts for 6 hours straight if each tier is activated immediately after the prior one ends.
- The donation target for the orphanage no longer changes daily based on whether it's been reached. Instead, it will be adjusted every few weeks or months, depending on how often players have been hitting the goal.
- It can take up to 5 minutes for the effects to be applied on your account after the tier has been reached.
- The effects from the orphanage can be seen in the “Character” page.

Orphanage API
Because of the changes to the orphanage, the old orphanage API endpoint (/v1/orphanage) will no longer be updated. Instead (/v2/orphanage) must be used. The new response format can be seen on the public API page.

Travel Gold Changes
- The gold is no longer hard capped at 50,000 gold. After a player has reached level 50,000, the maximum gold they can find when taking a step slowly increases. However we’ve implemented a diminishing returns effect so each subsequent level will have a smaller effect on the gold cap.
- Slightly expanded the range for random gold rewards when traveling.

New Items
4,000+ new items have been added to SimpleMMO!

- 460+ Weapons
- 460+ Armour
- 450+ Greaves
- 450+ Boots
- 450+ Gauntlets
- 450+ Helmet
- 450+ Shield
- 750+ Amulets
- 35+ Collectables

Introducing the Hellish, Archangel, and Archmage equipment sets (designed by Redd994) .

Rate Changes
Due to the growing number of celestial items with each content update, we have adjusted the rates for silver and gold chests.

Celestial rate for gold chests increased by 40%.
Celestial rate for silver chests increased by 33%.

The new rates can be seen on the chest page via Mahols Hut.

- Increased number of tradable tools for the upcoming event to 25 (from 15)
- Increased number of untradable tools for the upcoming event to 50 (from 40)

- Removed "Most Hated" leaderboard.
- When the attack limit is active against an opponent, players are no longer able to place bounties on them.

We're happy to announce a comprehensive overhaul of the SimpleMMO rules. Recognising that the previous ruleset was overly verbose and lacked consideration for nuanced infractions, we've streamlined the new rules for clarity and ease of understanding.

The updated rules retain the essence of the previous version but eliminate the need for explicit listing of individual infractions. Instead, we've adopted a broader approach, such as encompassing specific examples like "no spam" under a single rule.

Previously, the rules were a dense collection of specific examples, leading to a discouragingly long read. The new approach aims to simplify this, making the rules more accessible and digestible for everyone.

We're confident that these revamped rules will foster a more positive and inclusive community experience for all.

- Fixed bug that caused some devices to crash.
- Fixed bug that caused some devices to render a users badge incorrectly.
- Stability improvements.

We're excited to announce an update to our community roles within SimpleMMO. The role previously known as "Adviser" has been renamed to "Guardian" to better reflect its responsibilities that have evolved over time. Originally, the Adviser role was created as a way to acknowledge those who were helpful in the community. However, it has grown into a role that helps connect the moderators with our community members.

Additionally, we're introducing a new role: the "**Veteran**" role. This role returns to our original vision for the Adviser role, serving as a mark of acknowledgment for members who enrich our community. Veterans will enjoy exclusive perks, such as access to a special Discord channel and a personalised badge. Holding the Veteran status comes without any additional responsibilities. However, should an account remain inactive for 30 days, the Veteran role will be automatically revoked. Admission into the Veteran role is by invitation only, based on our recognition of a member's positive impact on the community.

We look forward to extending invitations to potential Veterans in the near future.

The order of roles is now as follows:

- Veteran: A recognition for members who positively impact the community.
- Guardian (Previously called "Adviser"): Helps connect the community with the moderation team.
- Moderator: Ensures the game is safe and enjoyable by enforcing rules and assisting players.
- Administrator: Oversees game operations and makes key decisions for its future.

Additional Changes
- Updated username badge design.
- Stability and performance improvements.

- Fixed error when attempting to upload a custom avatar or sprite.

- Added chat level announcements for level 50,000 and level 100,000.
- Reduced waving to once every 5 minutes.
- Fixed "Chocolate Frog" avatar.
- Further backend and infrastructure changes.

- Added optimisations to some pages causing performance bottlenecks.
- Users can now wave to other users up to 3 times every 10 minutes.
- Fixed guild position on guild inspection page.
- Fixed guild winner on guild season page.

- Decreased the silver key additional cost to 1,500 gold from 2,500. It now costs 12.4m to buy 100 silver keys instead of 17.3m.
- Increased the mushroom of energy limit to 150 for plebs and 110 for free players. This has been increased from 70/60 respectively.
- Fixed mushroom limit for guild mushrooms of energy.
- Increased maximum item usage limit to 100 (from 50).
- Cheap diamonds will occasionally be listed on the market by SimpleMMO bot. All gold received from these purchases will be removed from the game. Currently, there is no predetermined schedule or quantity for these diamond listings, making constant monitoring of the diamond market ineffective.
- Bronze key additional cost lowered to 700 gold from 1,000.

In our upcoming update, we are implementing significant changes to address the excessive gold generation in the game, which currently stands at an unsustainable rate. Our goal is to ensure the long-term health and balance of the game. Although our past changes to the economy have been relatively successful in managing this issue, we recognise the need for more impactful measures to safeguard the game's long-term health. This has prompted us to take more substantial steps.

The following changes will be shortly introduced:

Market Tax
We have raised the base market tax rate to 6% from the previous 3.5%. This increase targets the high volume of low-value items traded daily and is aimed at reducing the game's gold surplus due to the sheer number of items that pass through the market per day.

Trading Tax
Raising the market tax often leads players to seek alternative methods to circumvent these additional fees. Previously, one such method was direct player-to-player trading, especially for high-value transactions, which were not taxed under the trading system. To tighten control over the game's economy and further reduce the excess gold, we are implementing the following changes:

- Added a base tax of 4% when sending gold directly. Any additional fees incurred when choosing the source and destination will also apply.
- Added a base tax of 6% when sending gold via a player-to-player trade.

Guild Distribution Tax
Mirroring the approach of the trading tax, we are implementing a tax on guild gold distributions to prevent the circumvention of trade taxes.

- Added a base 6% tax when distributing gold via the guild bank.

Quests currently represent the most efficient method for accumulating large quantities of gold in the game. Nearly 45% of the game's total gold supply originates from quests. Recognising quests as a primary source of gold influx, we are focusing our efforts on this area for significant impact. Therefore, we are introducing the following changes:

- Decreased the average quest gold reward by approximately 20% (this will vary slightly from quest to quest) after the quest “Communicate with aliens” (Level 200).
- Significantly increased the average gold accumulated from the initial quests. For example, the first quest now gives out 50 gold instead of 5.

This change aims to significantly reduce the overall gold generation in the game, while also making quests more rewarding and accessible for beginners.

Over the past few months, we've implemented substantial modifications to the core code that handles various elements of the game. While more updates are on the horizon, many of the current changes might not be immediately apparent to users, as they primarily involve architectural improvements.

That said, there are a few changes that will be made in the upcoming days/months that you should be aware of.

- Light mode will be removed. We are officially moving SimpleMMO to a dark mode only UI. This change will be slowly introduced over the coming months (with the Web App being the first). Building for two colour schemes almost doubles our workload for almost no benefit.
- The FAQs section will be deleted.
- The attack logs will only go back 7 days.
- Premium avatar area from the diamond store will be permanently removed with no plans of reimplementing it.
- Profile feeds will only go back to a maximum of 3 months (later to be reduced to 1 month).
- All messages within the "Inbox" will be removed. (These are messages that were made under the old messaging system before we migrated to a live chat).
- We no longer have plans on reviewing the submitted travel texts from years ago. This will be removed from the roadmap.

Further changes to come soon including balancing and economical changes.

Winter Holiday event is live!

The fat man has returned, and to feed his addiction to Prickly Pinecones and Snowglobes, you must exchange them for rewards.

- Increased the untradable tool limit to 40 (from 25)
- Increased the tradable tool limit to 15 (from 10)

Guild Updates
- Unless specifically mentioned in the update log for a particular device or app, we will no longer specify whether changes apply to the app or web app in the general list of updates. By default, all changes apply to all apps.
- Guild power points reduced from 3 diamonds to 2 diamonds.
- Power point reward for 30,000 steps has increased to 10 (from 7)
- Guild task requirements for defeating NPCs have been significantly reduced. (For example 15,000 -> 7,500)
- Power point reward for defeating 7,500 NPCs has been increased to 25 (from 11).
- Power point reward for defeating 500 enemies has been increased to 1 (from 0).
- Power point reward for defeating 5,000 NPCs has been increased to 13 (from 6).
- The remaining power point rewards for defeating NPCs have been doubled.
- Power point reward for all quest tasks has have been significantly increased (some tripled)
- Requirements for all guild quest tasks have been significantly reduced (e.g 10,000 -> 4,000)
- Location raid power point cost halved (from2 to 1)
- Location raid gold cost for extra locations reduced (from 1,000,000 to 300,000)
- Initial cost of a raid reduced from 2,000,000 to 1,000,000.

The Halloween event will be live one day early! It will drop within the next hour of posting this update log.

This Halloween event comes with:

2 static avatars
2 backgrounds
6 animated avatars
4 tradable tools
4 untradable tools
3 specials
3 pets
2 item sprites

You can obtain them by finding Vampire Tooths and Werewolf Pelts at the Spooky Graveyard and trading them at Mahols hut.

We’ve also made some slight adjustments to the stepping speed mechanic. We have noticed for a while now that the implementation is flawed and does not work as we originally designed it.

We originally designed it so when a stepping potion grants you +100% stepping speed, it essentially meant the player would step twice as fast thus halving their stepping speed time. For instance, if their core wait time for a step is 8 seconds and they drank a stepping potion that granted them +100% stepping speed, then the end result should've been 4 seconds.

However, the actual implementation simply removed it from the players wait time thus -100% stepping speed meant that their wait time was effectively 0.

We have not addressed this yet due to three reasons:
Stepping speed potions are still fairly underutilised (with the exception of the events) so we saw no real need of immediately addressing it.
Everyone had access to this same effect thus there was no real inherit imbalancement between players.
We are currently undergoing a huge backend overhaul and this would've been addressed when we reach the point of tackling the travel system.

However, issues started to arise since we have incorporated the “first come first serve” mechanic for the event tools. Players who have been hoarding stepping speed potions for months are able to abuse this flaw in the system to effectively reduce their stepping wait time to almost nothing thus giving them an extremely strong foothold in obtaining these items.

As a result, we are implementing the following change:

The lowest wait time between steps has been set to 3.5 seconds. This means that, regardless of a players stepping speed bonus, they cannot step faster than 3.5 seconds per step.

This is just a temporary fix. We will eventually introduce a change to the potion system that will correctly rectify the issue.

- Fixed crafting material text issue (Web App and Mobile App)